Crisis Management Seminar: May 5-7, 2015 – Colorado Springs, CO


CMSCrisis Consulting International is pleased to offer an open Crisis Management Seminar (CMS) in Colorado Springs, CO on May 5-7, 2015.  The location will be the international headquarters of Compassion International.

About the CMS

The CMS is a 3-day leadership-oriented course which provides participants with the knowledge, skills and abilities to develop a competent security and crisis management program.  Participants will be trained and prepared to serve on a Crisis Management Team in the most complex and critical events.  Core components of the training include risk assessment (including the use of EZRA, a proprietary risk assessment software provided to participants), developing appropriate policies and contingency planning, understanding the present-day terrorism threat, forming and leading crisis management teams, and using a crisis resolution protocol to guide response to emergencies.  Case studies and tabletop exercises are used extensively.

Details and Registration

The price for the CMS is $575 per student.  Seminar fee discounts are available for the following: 1) more than one person attending from the same organization (both may take discount) ($35); 2) if you or your organization is a member of Missio Nexus ($35); 3) if you attend CCI’s Field Security Seminar on April 30-May 2, 2015 in nearby Lake George, CO.

Lodging and meals are the responsibility of the student.  Several hotels are located within minutes of the facility.  Compassion has an onsite cafe that offers reasonably priced lunches with multiple selections.

Additional details will be provided upon registration.  For additional questions regarding this seminar, please contact CCI at

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