CCI is hosting an open Field Security Seminar (FSS) on October 11-14, 2017 at the M Lazy C Ranch in Lake George, CO.

FSS participants walking an outdoor course
The FSS is a field-based training for faith-based staff working in dangerous environments around the world. Participants will learn how to manage surveillance; maintain situational and environmental awareness; work in environments threatened by landmines and IEDs; manage and survive violent encounters and coordinated attacks; survive a hostage event; manage interrogations; exercise leadership in field emergencies; counter and defeat threats in the pre-attack phase of the terrorism cycle.

Course scenario
Price for the FSS is $725 per student. A seminar discount of $35 is available for members attending from the same organization (all may take discount). Discount is calculated automatically upon registration.
Lodging and Meals
There are two (2) lodging and meal plans (listed below).
- PLAN A: Arrival for dinner on 10/11 and departing before dinner on 10/14 (3 nights; 9 meals) – $201.00
- PLAN B: Arrival for dinner on 10/11 and departing after breakfast on 10/15 (11 meals; 4 nights) – $255.00

IED demo at the FSS
Lodging is bunkhouse-style (men’s and women’s). Cabin upgrades may be available on a case-by-case basis.
Course Schedule
The seminar starts at 7:00 PM on 10/11 with an orientation session. The following three days are full days, ending no earlier than 5:00 PM on 10/14. The seminar has an aggressive schedule including outdoor exercises designed to reinforce classroom instruction. Combined with the vagaries of weather, this aggressive schedule may involve evening sessions.
Travel to and from airports is the responsibility of participants. Some communication may be sent about coordinating rides between attendees, but it is ultimately up to each participant to arrange this.
Enrollment Maximum
The FSS is limited to 21 participants. If more than 21 participants wish to register, the additional participants will be placed on a waiting list. If you have any questions, please email CCI’s training manager.